VA Mortgage Loan


Satisfactory recent credit history: Your actual score is not a determining factor, however the previous twelve months of your credit history will be evaluated to make sure that you have a satisfactory history of making timely payments.

Missed payments: Recent missed rental or mortgage payments will have more of a negative impact than other recent missed payments.

If you have filed bankruptcy within the past two years you are not automatically disqualified, although your bankruptcy must be discharged.

You may still qualify for a Veteran Home Loan even if you had a bankruptcy. If your bankruptcy was caused by circumstances out of the control of the applicant or spouse and the circumstance is verified, then you may still qualify. Such circumstances include unemployment, strikes occurring for a long duration, medical bills not covered by insurance, as well as others. If you are unsure whether you qualify, you may speak with a VA specialist at 800-405-6682.

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